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Business Intelligence Reporting

Power BI from The Group Aware provides Data Analysis and Business Intelligence, used by larger corporations, but scaled for your small business. We are technically savvy and experienced in the integration of humanity, organization, and technology.  We have the ability to deconstruct complex concepts, discern patterns, relationships, principles, then reconstruct them in a more meaningful way. We will work with your executives, managers, project managers, and technical leads to provide Power BI dashboard configuration, executive views, and compliance reports.   We will help you choose the right visual for the type of information that is important to your organization.  This will give all your users access to a wealth of data in real time and give them the tools they need to understand and interpret that data to make informed business decisions.

What began as an effort to mitigate poor performance…

resulted in us gaining actionable insights for boosting good performance!

Our customized sales rep performance report from The Group Aware is so effective, I almost feel guilty using it!

Where previously it would take us 2-3 hours to compile a one-time snapshot of the data from either SalesForce , Outlook or FluentStream, this report gives us up-to-date, dynamic reporting from all three sources, combined, giving us unprecedented visibility.

We used to only go through our  manual process when we suspected poor performance. Now the ease and automation of The Group Aware’s report enables us to monitor good performance and provide coaching way before there is a negative business impact.

-Greg Langley, CEO, OppMiner – Strategic Prospecting and Market Research